
Are you looking for the ultimate in portable smoking devices? Then DopeBoo has what you need! From flower to concentrate, Atmos carries it all and is among the most well-known vaporizer brands in the world. Atmos is especially renowned for the quality and craftsmanship in their vape pens. Small enough...

Are you looking for the ultimate in portable smoking devices? Then DopeBoo has what you need! From flower to concentrate, Atmos carries it all and is among the most well-known vaporizer brands in the world. Atmos is especially renowned for the quality and craftsmanship in their vape pens.

Small enough to hide away and strong enough for the heaviest of smokers, all while holding enough power to last a weekend. Take the sleek Jump Dry Herb Vape Pen, for instance. The Jump has a carbon fiber housing not found in your everyday vape pen. This makes for one of the most durable and compact vaporizers on the market. One that is guaranteed to evenly and smoothly vaporize dry herbs with its hard anodized heating chamber. Don’t be fooled by the small size of the battery. The Jump battery provides 1200mAh of power and is able to heat the chamber just as well with 1% as it can when newly charged.

Atmos offers many different vaporizer technologies but the ultimate in vaping can be found in their line of concentrate vaporizers. When it comes to smoking, nothing hits smoother or cleaner than an Atmos wax vaporizer. These heat up wax to a temperature just high enough to focus on the good stuff and minimize the inhalation of unwanted residue.  If concentrates are more your thing, consider the AtmosRx or Rx Jr. These compact vape pens were designed to minimize aroma and hide away easily for those subtle smoking occasions. Keeping the end user in mind, Atmos built these pens durable and ready for extensive use. There is no doubt that the Rx and Rx Jr are some of the best portable vaporizers ever made and DopeBoo carries both!

If you enjoy the ability to be versatile with your vaporizer we recommend you take a look into DopeBoo’s digital vaporizers. Digital vaporizers allow you to regulate temperature and have more control over your experience. If you’re looking into a high-powered vaporizer, the Atmos Vicod is well worth looking into. The Vicod easily stands up to any competition and is one of the most compact and discreet vaporizers in the world. This is because it contains a whopping 2200mAh lithium-polymer battery and advanced temperature controls which allow you to set the temperature of the heating element as low as 300 degrees (F) and as high as 435 degrees (F). Atmos is known for its embedded ceramic heating chamber which allows you to vaporize dry herbs in the purest and most flavorful form possible. Its strong heat resistant housing provides a perfect finish and comfortable grip.

All DopeBoo’s Atmos pens come with an easy access mouthpiece and micro-USB charger making them quick and easy to use. All these things make Atmos an industry leader in smoking innovation. Rest assured that, when purchasing an Atmos vaporizer, you will never be let down.

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